August Give Back
☆ The Dawning of a Great Adventure ☆
August has been a lion of a month! A very special Thank You for over a Hundred orders and Thousands in sales!
Now @ Saint Albert Farmers’ Market the 21st & 28th, South Common on Weekends until the 15th & Every Wednesday @ Southwest Edmonton’s Farmers Market.
Keeping the Mission alive by raising awareness & proceeds for our first Clean Up Event! What better way to say Thank You then to Give Back ? Happy to give out Recycling discounts this month to some Friendly Faces, your continuing support really fuels this journey.
Planning to get out of dodge before the frost? Keep an eye out for the Mini-Stick Deodorant & Mini-Bottle Spray & Soap sets perfect for your Adventures. Free delivery for locals by selecting “On Location” when ordering at
In response to the overwhelming interest in 100% Plant-Based Products we are looking forward to Big Events this fall as well as exciting Creations & Collaborations with other local entrepreneurs.
Lets have a Sweet September,
Aleah Abram